[Prev| Next| Index] 2/21/96, vanhorn@excite.com, Sunnyvale, CA USA Who Are the Real Criminals? By Kevin S. Van Horn, vanhorn@excite.com. In the early days of 1996, there gathered together 509 crime lords -- officers of the greatest criminal organization in the Western Hemisphere -- who conspired to organize a campaign of violence and intimidation against the residents of the territories they controlled. A week later the plan was approved by the head crime boss. The 509 crime lords are commonly known as Senators and Congressmen; the head crime boss goes by the title of President; and their plan is sometimes known as the Communications Disempowerment Act. Like Mafia chieftains, they do not take upon themselves the risk of personally carrying out their criminal plot; yet by planning, organizing, and ordering the foul deed, they are every bit as guilty as their underworld counterparts. To some it may seem extreme to call those who passed the CDA criminals, but if one applies to Congress and the President the same standards by which ordinary mortals are judged, there is no other word for them. For how is this mandate to be enforced? Those who refuse to buckle under -- though they be the most peaceful and honest of persons, guilty only of writing a few words -- will be fined (robbed of) a quarter of a million dollars, and imprisoned (kidnapped) for two years; and if they are young, male, and slightly built, they can expect to be repeatedly raped during their imprisonment. If they should refuse to submit to punishment, the threat of lethal force -- a gun in the face -- will be used to make them submit. And if they attempt to defend themselves against this violence, they can expect to be gunned down mercilessly. Thus the CDA amounts to a campaign of violence and intimidation waged against even honest and peaceful people. If this is not criminal behavior, what is? And if those who ordered this campaign of violence cannot properly be called dangerous and violent criminals, who can?